Friday, December 5, 2008

Affordable California Homeowners' Insurance -- 6 Tips For Huge Discounts

I'll share more tips anyone can use to get massive discounts without putting themselves at risk. Here they are with a precaution you you'll do well to take...

1. Smoke and fire detectors will will go a long way in reducing your home's fire risk. Install the right numbers of smoke and fire detectors for your size and kind of house if you intend to use this to get more affordable rates.

With these fires will be noticed on time and put out more easily before they can do any serious damage. And since the risk of fire in a home is important in calculating California house insurance rates, you will spend far less by taking this step.

2. Dead-bolt locks on every door to the exterior will help you attract a cheaper rate. It's more difficult for burglars to operate in homes that have these locks. And since a home's risk of burglary is a strong determinant of California home owner insurance premiums, you'll spend far less.

3. Choosing to pay your rates monthly leads to higher premiums than you'd pay if you decide to pay yearly. A strong reason for this is the cost an insurance company incurs for sending you twelve bills instead of just one yearly.

As if that was NOT enough expense, each check you send attracts a transaction fees as well. They pay transaction fees 12 times instead of once a year for monthly payments. And as with every other thing, it's you the end user or insured who bears that cost.

Therefore, you'll attract lower premiums if you opt to pay your rates annually. You could save up to a month's premium in just a single year.

4. There's the chance that you could pay less for your California house insurance if you spend time to go through your policy either whenever there's a considerable change in your house or just always once of twice annually. That special fur coat might no longer be worth as much as when you got it.

If it's now worth less, you'll then do the sensible thing: Lower your coverage by the same margin and obtain lower rates as a result. However, a review may show it's now worth a lot more and that you ought to increase coverage. The good thing, in spite of all, is that whichever it turns out to be you will be at an advantage.

5. You'll save yourself some home insurance expense if you get a CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) report before buying a home. This report will reveal issues that could make you pay a lot more for your California homeowner insurance.

If a house is in a town that has only a volunteer fire service, you'll pay more expensive premiums. How far away the closest police station, fire station and/or fire hydrant are will also determine your rate.

Therefore, ensure you do NOT pay for a home unless you've studied this report. That home you thought was a great bargain might end up costing you much more in your California homeowner's insurance than whatever you thought you saved.

6. You could save some hundreds of dollars by simply receiving and evaluating quotes from at least five insurance quotes sites. And, it will take only about 25 minutes on the whole.

Get your quotes now from these highly recommended sites...

Get your quotes now and save.

Cheapest Home Insurance Quotes In Minutes

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